Everyday Agile


After spending a decent whack of time figuring out what Agile consultancy actually is, we got cracking on building a personal brand for its Director, Jac. Jac is a self-proclaimed ginger with a dry sense of humour and a penchant for crocs.


After spending a decent whack of time figuring out what Agile consultancy actually is, we got cracking on building a personal brand for its Director, Jac. Jac is a self-proclaimed ginger with a dry sense of humour and a penchant for crocs.

When he came to us, Jac had a decent follower count and was already making educational Youtube videos. But, he wanted to boost his engagement. So we started to reignite interest on his page with engaging text posts. Simple. Now, if we’re shoving Prince Andrew in a tutu, getting complaints from Manchester City Council, or photoshopping Jac into a ham baguette, then that’s just a standard Tuesday. Who knew that a serving of random could be exactly what the Agile space needed?

Want to read up on even more Personal branding?

Don’t take our word for it.
We’ll show you the goods.
Don’t take our word for it.
We’ll show you the goods.
Or, if you’re already up for it…
Don’t take our word for it.
We’ll show you the goods.
Don’t take our word for it.
We’ll show you the goods.
Or, if you’re already up for it…
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