Ahhh, Delegated Authority. When we were first approached to work with DA-X, we immediately wrote it off. We thought, surely we were too thick to market a tech platform that even some of the actual insurance industry were too thick to comprehend.


Ahhh, Delegated Authority. When we were first approached to work with DA-X, we immediately wrote it off. We thought, surely we were too thick to market a tech platform that even some of the actual insurance industry were too thick to comprehend.

But, after meeting Clare, the Founder, we were bought in. We built Clare a powerful personal brand from scratch which attracted the right kind of attention from the right people and boosted her visibility. We rebranded DA-X’s new website, built personal brands for her team, and created animated videos to support their sales drive. We filmed some lycra, ate some world-famous sausage rolls, and almost died from frostbite somewhere in the Yorkshire Dales. Anything for the client.

Want to read up on even more Personal branding?

Don’t take our word for it.
We’ll show you the goods.
Don’t take our word for it.
We’ll show you the goods.
Or, if you’re already up for it…
Don’t take our word for it.
We’ll show you the goods.
Don’t take our word for it.
We’ll show you the goods.
Or, if you’re already up for it…
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